Apr 24, 2020

We have silly situations at last.

Everyone intends to make efforts every day from their respective social positions. Thus, the resulting social system was also one that efficiently spreads epidemics throughout the world.

COVID-19 is the returning of SARS in 2002 in terms of the virus type, the route of transmission, and the prevention of epidemics. And likewise, we have all sorts of things, such as global warming, super-aging, and sovereign risk.

These are all problems arising from the technological development of society, especially the economy. The inconvenient truth that is steadily progressing by not seeing the problems that actually exist because everyone has been making efforts every day from their respective positions.

If the division of roles is successful, you can just do your best in each position, but apparently not.

Expected failure

Market Failure and Government Failure provide a stable view of why such developments have occurred.

It is not good to simplify, but the main factor for clarity is “bounded rationality”.

Winners and losers in the economic competition are equally incompetent. Since human beings are incompetent, we try to maximize the utility and obtain negative utility. That’s exactly what it was, and I think it was a silly thing.

The inconvenient truth will eventually surface liability and will be imposed as tax from outside the economic system. If that is not possible, we will see the devastated sight spreading.


As a business person, I had some illusion for long that achieving advanced businesses would instantly advance society in a positive direction. Perhaps it is because innovation is discussed with the business as a set.

Wasn’t Schumpeter’s definition of innovation simply a residual of a variable that could be explained by other factors? As we have seen so far, the major premise of economics is the awareness that only one aspect of each thing is evaluated.

If the disadvantages of externalities such as pollution, heat emission or declining birthrate are offsetting innovation cleanly, the quality of business activities is fairly low.

Perhaps our recognition gets wrong in the process of visualization, verbalization, or digitization. The illusion that everything you see is what they totally are, and the illusion that what you have written can adequately describe whole things.

Due to the quantification trap, we mistake in the first step and cannot correct in the subsequent process.

Now, CIVILIS is the Latin word for “civil”. It is necessary to restore the citizen’s perspective, since the perspective of companies and governments has its limit, and we are facing the cliffs.

As a result of the penetration of the market economy, there is too much awareness of the division of roles that professionals provide services and consumers consume. In this form, the supply punctures instantly when the whole goes into crisis.

Apparently, the last remaining theme after the long history of humanity is “self-help efforts”.

⁋ Apr 24, 2020↻ Apr 25, 2020